Thursday, October 18, 2012


for 6iii:

discuss experts--explain news conferences for next week
    1 minute:
        a.  thesis
        b.  three criteria
        c.  experts who stand behind me

[who will be out monday? schedule tomorrow]

Start working on speech--worksheet [resume; position statements]


Watch TED?

HW: draft speech

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

6ii (6iii for C block)

PSPW 6ii (6iii for C)

a.  Return Restaurant essays and explain

Next story speech--assignment--and what’s due tomorrow

b.  Post Is X a Y statements.  Which seem obvious? which can be narrowed? which rely on relatively subjective criteria?

c.  Next step: finding experts.  Where to look:
    Specialized Encyclopedias
    Other encyclopedias (find via google)

d.  Grammar


e.  if time, watch more of the story videos

HW: Find one expert who can help you define your Y; create the office you will run for

Monday, October 15, 2012



a.  commenting groups--does the speech convey the ethos and pathos? what needs to be added to more clearly convey this?

b.  Drafts--write on your draft:
    mark 2 criteria paragraphs:
        a.  introductory sentence
        b.  dialogue tag
        c.  title
        d.  block quotation form done correctly
        e.  summary/explanation

    Mark 2 match paragraphs:
        a.  topic sentence/intro
        b.  two facts

c.  Introduce 2nd Definitional essay assignment--HW: come to class with a list of 3 possible topics

d.  Comma exercise

e.  watch videos

C block: work on match section; explain draft exercise; videos; start commas

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vii and iii

PSPW 5iii

a.  check in about Engrade and grading questions; parents’ night; how many will be out for field trip next week?

B block:

Stories: focus on two moves--opening and one other.

What’s the goal of the opening?  What are you trying to accomplish?  How can you accomplish this?

One other move--name it and then explain it [examples from my NY speech]

Share drafts; comment on parts that need to be expanded; read (to each other) the openings the the special move.  Make suggestions.  Share?

Best restaurant work:  B--paper pass to get quotations.

Tape for HW

If time, my Parents’ Night presentation

F block: same work with stories;

essays: what help from me do you need in order to be able to convert yesterday’s work into an introduction and 3 paragraphs?

Name the restaurant that meets your criteria: 10 presentations; discuss match paragraphs (we’ll write these in class tomorrow)

HW: tape



a.  engrade

b.  what’s due when

c.  LIst on board: what makes a good story? what makes a good telling of a story?

d.  pass and share student stories--what will be needed to make them great? (notes; share scenarios)

tape for HW--B and F; C: write stories

e.  Introduce Definitional essay (from website)

f.  What makes a great restaurant?  list together

g.  cards--name and description of your title/authority

h.  2-3 sentences describing one criteria

i.  share/copy

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


PSPW 4iv

B block:

Reminder: best idea paragraph in blogs for Sunday night

    a.  paragraph checks; assignment for Wednesday; They Say I say paragraph of your own topic

    b.  how to use footnotes in MS word

    c.  Tell my Brooklyn story

    d.  Pairs: share stories -- feedback on the telling--how to make them more interesting to tell

F block:

a.  paragraph checks; assignment for Wednesday; They Say I say paragraph of your own topic due Wednesday;
    b.  how to use footnotes in MS word

    c.  story brainstorming activity.

Ethos, pathos, logos--review

Pick a profession or a job

Create a situation where one person on this job is teaching another person something important to another person on this job

What are they teaching?

What is their ethos?

Logos will be didactic storytelling (explain)

What will the story be about?


if time, show...Amy Purdy at TEDx


PSPW 4ii

Books titles?

Best idea--final blog post  (we’ll be doing more with what you did, starting tomorrow)

Ethos, pathos, logos--review

Pick a profession or a job

Create a situation where one person on this job is teaching another person something important to another person on this job

What are they teaching?

What is their ethos?

Logos will be didactic storytelling (explain)

What will the story be about?


if time, show...Amy Purdy at TEDx
or Sir Ken Robinson

Discuss how they use stories and how/if they work--ethos, pathos, logos

Monday, October 1, 2012



a.  reminder about: missing shared folders; speech revisions; research assignment

Field Trip

show dropbox notifications

citing databases in Easybib.

b.  Finding a book--hand out form

    ii.  I might want to read a book about exercise on board

    i.  show links to resources, libraries
    recommendations from last year
    ii.  Non-fiction books list

c. Ethos, pathos, logos--review

Pick a profession or a job

Create a situation where one person on this job is teaching another person something important to another person on this job

What are they teaching?

What is their ethos?

Logos will be didactic storytelling (explain)