Wednesday, September 26, 2012



a.  check in about speeches, dropbox, easybib, research assignment

RSS in Plain English (video)

b.  Together: List of instances when a teenager might speak in a manipulative way towards adults

introduce concept of rhetoric

c.  Groups of 3.  List three techniques that teens use to be manipulative (in the way they speak).  Write out a short monologue that uses these three in a specific scenario.  Must be realistic, not blatantly obvious.


Categorize strategies: Ethos, pathos, logos

If time, google glasses.

Google glasses video; another (more technical) video; augmented reality explained; future (!) of Augmented Reality (AR)

Monday, September 24, 2012



a.  check in about blogs--cards and commenting--grade charts for easybib

b.  Set up dropbox and share it with me--so I can send you speech comments privately

b.  reading:
Brookline gift/reading level
reading is hard
find the articles and books that are right for you [teen room; encyclopedias]

c.  Finding:
data bases--review what’s there

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

class IIiii


a.  problems with videos?

b.  New topic ideas (and questions)?

c.  Setting up a blog on (videos, rss, embedding a video)

HW: set up your blog; register your blog; embed your video  
[friday for Easybib]

d.  names on cards, then pick (after volunteers):
one thing speaker liked
one thing viewer liked
one suggestion

class IIii (no IIi this week due to holiday)


a.  Reminder about College Essay WS; car speech

b.  EasyBib (and assignment)--reminders of the ways to evaluate sources (new ideas?)

c.  Introduce research project--looking for a topic (eventually) that will give you ideas, theories, opinions, views, etc. that you can respond to [connect this to “conversation” idea I mentioned on Friday]

d.  How to set up a blog and blog registration; how to follow others’ blogs

e.  topic brainstorming

Due tomorrow: topic choice

f.  Discuss: where do you get your information? where ELSE might you get your information?  What sources do you trust?

Friday, September 14, 2012


a.  college application essay reminder (show link)

b.  diigo --show tool bar link

c.  library card forms

d.  cars:  20 second speech (index card) about why this is the right car for you (write it out)(deliver using podium)

e.  Easybib

f.  how to come up with good ideas to write about

[for long block]

Discuss: why kids drop out of college freshman year (partying, paper writing)
Discuss: how to come up with questions and ideas to write about--pacing, showering
Discuss: dip in question-asking ability

Discuss two methods: 1) joining a conversation (map out Romney conversation) 2) QFT

d.  Introduce QFT

“If you support free speech, democracy, and America, you must stand up for all speech, even the speech of intolerance, in no uncertain terms.  Intolerance must be tolerated.”

Thursday, September 13, 2012

class Iii


a.  attendance--reminder to post pictures on Ning accounts

b.  questions about videos?

b.  add to list for car resources

c.  research skills: Saving web resources--Social bookmarking and Diigo

d.  What does a URL mean?  

class Iiii


a.  attendance -- introduce college application essay ws

b.  how’s diigo going?

review of assignment for tomorrow

b.  for b block: wayback machine (+links) (+whoseis registry)

c.  Groups of 4: buy or lease?  Each group present their conclusions to the class (in presentation form) with a list of 3 arguments and/or facts to support your position

buy new, buy used, lease 3 + and -’s; share

[for long block]

Discuss: why kids drop out of college freshman year (partying, paper writing)
Discuss: how to come up with questions and ideas to write about--pacing, showering
Discuss: dip in question-asking ability

Discuss two methods: 1) joining a conversation (map out Romney conversation) 2) QFT

Monday, September 10, 2012

[week 1, class 1]


a.  attendance--have students pronounce their names

b.  Notebooks?  

c.  Technology canary in the coal mine--who?

b.  Weekend HW: sign-up problems?

c.  HW: stamp lists--5/5 or 0/0

d.  grade charts

e.  Syllabus: go over “some things about the course” section (esp. revision policy, reading, and late papers)

f.  Teach: how to record a YouTube video; how to mark it as “unlisted”; e-mail link to me

g.  first video assignment

h.  Cars--share resources (copy into master list that I’ll post)

HW: first speech; find a website that can help us figure out whether to buy new, buy used, or lease.  Post the URL and a 5 sentence summary in the discussion forum on the class Ning by midnight tonight.
[first class--short period]

a.  Welcome

b.  Name of the course: public speaking and public writing--but really “research and rhetoric” -- how to find the information needed to answer our questions and needs; and then how to present it in a compelling, convincing way.

c.  First HW assignments--go over

d.  first important task: is this class for me?

Things you should like doing (or are interested in doing):

reading books that you choose
writing arguments
using technology
learning new ways to write; learning new ways to use the web
thinking about local problems
Giving presentations
Being video taped and video taping yourself
Solving problems
Reading non-fiction
revising and revising and revising your work
Watching and discussing TED talks

Things we won’t be doing:

reading fiction or poetry
creative writing (in the traditional sense)
Reading a book together as a class
Analyzing famous speeches
Formal debating

Important aspects of this class:

Learning different ways to make arguments--formal ways
Learning how to do research (beyond google)
Learning how to take responsibility for your own learning: own topics, own questions, own books to read, and more
Learning how to write academic (college) prose--which is NOT the same as HS prose
Learning how to effectively present your own ideas and research
Learning how to analyze others’ arguments

So...what’s this course about?

a.  how to argue
b.  how to research
c.  how to present research-based arguments
d.  about what? about local problems that are of interest and concern to you.